Master Bath

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If you can afford to, make sure you add a master bathroom, and spring for a nice one if you can. This is one area where spending a little extra money will come back to you when you sell the house, and it can bring you a lot of convenience in the meantime.


If you do build a nice master bathroom, consider having soffits built for lighting. Install some red lights as well as regular lighting. Red lights not only add “romantic mood”, but are functional as well. If one of you gets up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, red lights don’t hurt your eyes and they won’t wake up your spouse. The red lights can also be switched from the side of the bed as well so that you’re not walking to the bathroom in total darkness.


Have two shower heads installed in the master bathroom shower. It not only makes it nice if you shower together, but is also a real comfort when you shower alone. The cost for the extra shower head is minor when compared to the comfort you gain out of it. You don’t need two controls but I’d recommend them.


More often than not, bathrooms are sometimes cooler than you want them to be when you get out of the bath or shower. A fairly simple and inexpensive fix to this is to have a small 220-volt electric heater installed in the wall close to the tub or shower. Total cost should be less than $200 or so. Then if the room is a little cool, hit the switch before you get in the tub or shower and it will be nice and warm when you get out.


There are manufacturers of electrical heating systems that can be installed before your tile goes down. They are a mesh-like product that is stapled down, with the tile mortar being applied right over it. A switch on the wall activates the heat, and you have warm floors, which in turn bring the room temperature up for when you get out of the tub or shower.


As with the other bathrooms, make sure that you have a good quality vent installed, especially if you have a whirlpool. Then use it!


I already previously mentioned that the bathroom windows need to be safety glass. That is even more important if you are having a whirlpool installed and are planning to have a windows behind it. One slip in the tub could cause a real serious cut with regular glass. Make sure your builder is aware that he/she needs to put safety glass there for your own protection.


If you have never had a master bedroom closet in the master bath you don’t know what you’re missing. In most of our home designs that have a nice master bathroom, the closet is accessed from the bathroom instead of the bedroom. It is a real convenience having the clothes close by after showering to get ready for work or going out.  No, the bathroom moisture doesn’t bother the clothes at all.

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